Stop in for a cup of coffee

I see why you are pissed off now! What did you do over the weekend?

Not as much as I wanted, kept waiting for the rain to stop and it finally did yesterday. All day Saturday, I couldn't get any yard work done.

I cut the back grass Thur., then the kid wanted to do some running around town, so I couldn't do the front. It rained Fri, then all day Sat, was wet yesterday...

I trimmed the bottom branches off of the evergreen trees yesterday so I can mow around them without getting poked all over and junk falling in my hair... Now I can mow under them without getting hit with low branches that don't have pine needles on them anyway...

I cut the big root out from the tree that fell in back last summer, now I can start to fill the hole where it used to be. (I pulled the stump with the truck a few weeks ago).

Now I need to build a fire to burn the branches that I trimmed, but it was a little too windy yesterday. I'll have to see how it goes in the next few days...

Maybe I can cut the front grass today.