Excessive play in steering wheel ?

that may be normal. Pop the hood, grab the steering shaft and gently turn it one way, and then release it. Notice that it kinda pops back by itself? Turn it the other way. Same deal? What is happening is this; inside the box is a part called a reaction disc. Its just a very large thin washer. When you initiate a turn, the first few degrees of steering wheel travel, flex this washer. This allows the pump pressure to enter the boost chamber and assist you in the turning motion. Then as soon as boost is working, the steering box does its job. So this reaction action adds up to some perceived play to you, the operator.
Now, once the system is filled, and bled, this action is somewhat minimized, but never eliminated.
The steering box can be disassembled, and more reaction discs installed. This makes it harder for those first few degrees to allow boost in. Some of the play is removed, but the amount of boost is lessened as well. Which is a good thing on our overboosted Mopes. IIRC, I installed 3 discs in my box, which seemed just right to me.