Help! Wiped cam lobes? - Video inside

Nah. Some old heads swear by soaking them in oil overnight but there's no point in it since oil can drain out when the engine sits non-running anyway. It'll clack for a little while but it's of no consequence.

The idea is to build pre-load(the lifter is a small piston inside of the metal outer body) by having oil already in it but if you use adjustable rockers it can throw your adjustment off.

Just make sure to liberally cover the lifter and the cam lobes with lube, which should have came with the cam.

That cam has to be broken in also. That means running it at 2000 rpm for 20 minutes and NOT letting it idle. If something goes wrong back off the gas and shut it right down. Once you break the cam in shut it down and change the oil and filter. Don't use synthetic yet.