Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Glad to hear something! Was starting to get worried about you. :violent1:
Politics suck. Somebody over there at the city council is pissed at you for something.....
What did you do to them, John??? :iconbigg:

agree w/ the last post. the house is coming along, and starting to look really good. if their still wanting to condem it there is something else wrong. maybe the deal w/ all of your cars ???

You guys are probably right. Normally I'm about as abrasive as a roll of Charmin toilet paper but when we got the first letter saying that they were going to demolish the house I sent a reply that might have rattled their cages.

I pointed out that the mayor and council members owned properties that were in worse shape. I also listed a number of city ordinances that they themselves weren't compliant with. And to top it off I wrote about the racist threat that I had received from one of their members. Apparently it rubbed them the wrong way.

Most people have told me that the mayor is the main instigator and has been choosing which property owners to target based upon his own personal dislikes (such as old cars & hotrodding). He was a big advocate of Obama's CASH for CLUNKERS program and has voiced publicly his desire to see all 20 year old+ vehicles outlawed from the streets. He's not originally from this town. He moved in from a neighboring county and ran unopposed for mayor because no one else wanted the job. From what I've been told he's the product of rich parents and considers most of the locals here to be dumb hicks. I guess he thinks he's the 'new sheriff' in town and he's going to clean up the riffraff. HE'S A DICK. The city council is walking in lockstep with him because he's got money. What a bunch of rubes.

The easy way out would be to start kissing his keester but I'm not sure I could stomach myself if I did.

This was never a boom town. It had a reputation as an oasis for hotrodders and racers. There was never any local law enforcement so frisky car enthusiasts used to frequent it when they wanted to raise a little hell without repercussion. - Things never got out of hand. No one did anything really stupid. Heck, my great uncle used to run moonshine here during prohibition.

Maybe I'm obstinate but I wish things could change back to the way they were.