so im assuming that you wanna tuck a led light up in there someplace for various reasons. when i was like 20 i had a slammed v-8 s-10 extended cab full of stereo equipment and purple neon under glow lights under front/back and both sides.
it was cool for sitting around the city parking lot with friends and other after dark times but even back in the 80s it was totally illegal for going down the road. My buddy just put some crazy flashing neon light setup on his girls 67 Camaro. i will try to find the video
so while you asked for opinions and even used the word DUMB in ur poll i am going to try and be a mature adult( which i think most here are supposed to be). i had them atone point in my life so of course it thought they were cool enough to buy and install but at this point in time i do think they( just like winged cars) are dumb looking but if you like( after all it is ur car)them put them on tastefully and use them in the right/legal way