400 BB build issues

you know there were some seriously DB response's posted and i did my best not to lose my **** to a few of them, how bout a few of you get off your high F#@%ing horses and realize i am only asking for help, you would never see Slant guys treating each other like this

We'll get to that ^ in a second, but first.....

Have you done your basics? Did you do a compression check to see if there was a cylinder or two down on pressure? What did you set your static base timing at? What was your timing set at for break in? What about fuel pressure? Are you running lean? Did you pressure test your cooling system? Help us help you.


You come on here and ask for help. YOU state that you took out the thermostat, took off the fan belt, removed the fan and you post a video with an engine running without a fan belt puking up water when you poor water into it. Your link sucked, I didn't get the pleasure of viewing, but I can read what others have posted. Nowhere did you post that you put the fan, belt, thermostat or anything else back on after that wondrous visual. When others post their comments based on this, we're the Douche Bags?

You sir, get off of your fraking high horse. Get off of my friends ***'s and get off of my forum. Adjust your attitude, check your ego at the door and come back in humbly and we might be able to get your problem sorted out.