Factory Torque-Converters ~ Stall-Rate

Here is how you identify your stall: 1) hold the brake firmly. 2) slowly press into the Xcelerator while holding the brakes. 3) whatever the tach says before the back tire starts to spin is your stall rating. :D Seriously, each convertor will react differently according to the torque the motor is producing. For instance, a 318 2bbl may only stall up to 1800 in Denver, Colo. Drive the same car without changing anything to the middle of Iowa, and it may stall up to 2000 rpm's. Why? The altitude in Colo will rob low end torque. Put a 360 in front of a 318 904/converter and it may stall to 2300.


There a '3' areas of Stall.
* Brake Stall
* True Stall
* Flash Stall