Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

Well, I am mostly all better, just not very pretty looking right now, but 90% of my face is good now. Luckily I was wearing sunglasses so the areas around my eyes were singed, but not bad off.

I decided to take it easy, but I've been inside for a week, and I was starting to get a little irritated not being outside. I just can not sit still, I don't know if anyone could tell that about me. I have to feel productive or I feel lazy and useless.

So I did a couple things.

I went to Lowe's and got a sink strainer for a sink drain - found a stainless steel one, and I mounted that in the upper radiator hose and clamped it to the radiator inlet. I started to see some little black rust particles, so I am not about to let this new rad go to waste.

I also undid the hose on the bottom of the turbo that drains into the oil pan. I figured I should check to see if I have oil pressure, since I was losing a lot of it out of the side of the pan when this fitting came lose. JB weld and screwing that AN fitting in there didn't do a bit of good. The fitting pushed into the pan somehow, and then the rod started smacking it, till it smacked it out of position and let it leak all over. You could hear the rod/crank hitting it, that's how i know it was happening, then when removed, the noise stopped.

I am building a new fitting, that welds to the pan, and has JB as well just for double assurance. But, I have not finished building it.

It's ugly, but I ran water through it, and it's fully functional. Pretty soon I'll be able to grind it smooth, and then weld it on, but not today.

Anyway, I detached the hose, and put the end of it in a cup to see if I had oil pressure. I did, as the cup filled up in literally less than a second. So no worries there.

It was interesting to see what that frothy oil looks like when it comes out of the turbo.

But it's also pitch black - time for a change I guess. Once I change it I'll be installing the oil cooler system, since it's all in one go. I do however need another 5 foot section of push-lock to do that...

I also did some radiator cap investigation. I put the cap that failed on the rad, rated for 18psi, and squeezed the upper radiator hose. Nothing happened. I put the stant 18psi cap on, and squeezed the upper radiator hose - at a certain point, you could hear liquid shoot down the hose into the catch can. I switched back to the other cap that failed - squeezed as hard as I could - just held the pressure, and discharged nothing - not even air.

I don't know if that's necessarily a problem, but that thing built a ton of pressure and it all came shooting out at once. The entire upper tank was empty, and I had to put back 1/2 a gallon of coolant. All that is what went skyward into my face originally.

I put the stant cap on, drove around - never went past 180 degrees - as it is supposed to. That was really all I did for today. I just drove to the gas station to get an Arizona Iced tea... which is like my daily fix.