Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Damn I work slow! I've got sheetrock screwed to the main ceiling in the dining room, most of the structure built for it's soffit, and most of the recessed lighting installed and wired. I thought I'd have had the rest of the sheetrocking done in that room by now.

I've been installing all new wiring as I go. I didn't want to take any chances with the hatchet job done by a previous owner and this way I can tell prospective buyers that the entire house was rewired.

Teresa scheduled me for a stress test in Omaha next week. I would have thought that my stress levels had already been pushed to their limit the last time she had her grandkids over. I've been putting off the test because of the expense involved, but my doctor cut me off from writing any new prescriptions for heart medication until I have it done. I hope the test doesn't involve any needles.