Match Race 1966 ~ Valiant 273/235 HP vs. Belvedere 383/270 HP


The 1966 > 383/270 {2-Barrel} did better in it's class than the 383/325 HP {4-Barrel}cars did.

Oddly in 1966,

The 4-Speed 383 cars were only available with 3.23 Gears. You could get the 3.55's
in a 727 Automatic 'only'.

Mopar didn't really strike it good with the mid-size 383 in 1966. The {4-Barrel} 383/325 HP was over-rated by a good {35 HP}, and everybody knew it.

They frightened 'no one'.

Shipping Weights

Model ............................... 383/270 HP .. Wt/HP ---- 383/325 HP .... Wt/HP
Belvedere {Sedan} ... .......... #3388 lbs. .. 12.54 ---- #3414 lbs. ...... 10.50
Bevedere 'II' {Hardtop} ....... #3410 lbs. .. 12.63 ---- #3436 lbs. ...... 10.57
Belvedere 'II' {Convertible} .. #3524 lbs. .. 13.05 ---- #3550 lbs. ...... 10.92
Satellite {Hardtop} ................................................ #3518 lbs. ...... 10.82
Satellite {Convertible} ............................................ #3609 lbs. ...... 11.10

{1966} NHRA Class Factor's
* C/S or C/SA ...... 9.50 to 10.59 = Wt/HP
* D/S or D/SA ..... 10.60 to 11.29 = Wt/HP
* E/S or E/SA ...... 11.30 to 11.88 = Wt/HP
* F/S or F/SA ...... 11.89 to 12.49 = Wt/HP
* G/S or G/SA ..... 12.50 to 13.99 = Wt/HP