Running without a thermostat ok?

When I worked at the local Citgo station in the mid 70s, every single bottom hose we had came with the spring. The bottom hose is the suction side. As engine RPM increases, so does suction. In a closed system, the suction has no relief, so if there is no spring to support the bottom hose, it will collapse at highway speed and restrict the inlet flow to the engine from the radiator.

I know. Next you'll say something really stupid like "why don't hoses come with springs now? Don't be stupid. How much would springs cost? How many millions of hoses do you think hose manufacturers make every year? Yeah. Somebody saw where they could cut a corner and did it, just like everything else.

Some of yall need to stop being so damned hard headed and LISTEN to experience, instead of being borderline stupid.

If that does not explain why you need the spring in the bottom hose, then turn your keys in and take up stamp collecting.

That might be too difficult for some of you so might I suggest drooling instead?

No one ever explained to you to play nice... can you answer w/o snide comments, i am slowly finding you VERY offensive in your demeanor....If you have advice or comments please keep it technical, or just kept it to yourself.... you seem to be such a sour person...:glasses7: