Running without a thermostat ok?

I know where rusty's coming from ,I have given up many weekends to help someone with there problem's free of charge just so they don't get disappointed and dump there project or dismantle them for scrap or parts sales only to get no shows and no calls after arranging times ,( my time didn't matter) because someone told them of a cheaper repair, it seems to me that some guys only want to here and belief the cheapest repair will fix there problems. they only here what there wallet tells them. also I've been doing this (auto/truck/heavy emergency vehicles/ motor cycle ect also I must hold a master cert in ase trucks/.auto/ evt master in heavy fire rescue /ambulances just to turn wrenches in my county where I work and live and there are few people that I can learn from left so when rusty speaks you should listen
there are not many people left that have done it all, most just read these computer pages and are experts just like all the engineers that would call the mechanic's and ask them how did they fix that problem right before I left the gm dealer . just another old grumpy mechanic who gives time and advice freely ,try going on the innernet and google something the first question is HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO PAY FOR THIS QUESTION!