It's Alive. New engine first fire up.

I like to run flat tappets from first crank to over 2000 to 5000 varied RPM for 20 + minutes to maximize my chances of a successful cam break-in. You do realize running the motor for a short while escencially wipes and washes off all the cam break-in lube? It's typically not a good idea before you're going to break in the cam? It may still be alright, but it is preferred to break-in the cam and tappets right out of the gate.

I don't mean to rain on you parade, that's a beautiful car, I just hate to see so many guys experience lobe failure.

I do appriciate your input and I have taken every precaution possible breaking in this motor and the break in went smooth with no issues. In my opinion there is nothing worse than getting halfway through a cam break in and realize you have a huge oil leak, fuel leak or lean condition. I don't think that it hurts anything to do a test fire for a few seconds ahead of time. I thinks it's pretty rare for a new build to fire right up and have no issues at all. Maybe in a dream world, but not in mine.

Now I need to install the inner valve springs, change the oil, cut open the filter and drive this thing.