Which Mopar Magazines do you Read?

I have gone on the net and found M A archives on some of their tech articles, o k so I read them decades back, I remember squart!!!???

Chrysler power?? I saw one on the grocery mad stand last month. hadn't seen one in years. used t read them some decades ago. maybe some of the " oldtimers" ( o kso i'm an old afrt too)... can clarify my recollection, but wasn't it maybe the first Mopar mag, before M A. ( I remember when MCG was a tabloid!). and wasn't it started by the Northeast Hemi Owners Assoc ( whatever that was??). did these guys all move to Ca?? I thumbed thru that grocery store issue, looks like they are into the poly 318 big time???? just wondering.

Still around,great mag when I find it.