Relevance to a thread

Last night I was trolling through this thread where the member had a legitimate ***** with another member. Somehow during the discussion, it became a pissing contest. I found myself drawn in by it. I quickly edited my comment to what was relevant. I was really disappointed in some of our members. Not calling out names. But maybe some of you will remember, a certain member faced constant scrutiny on Damn near every comment posted.That ultimately led to this member being banned (which I thought was BS ) and having to come back as a different user name quite a while later. This board suffered for it in my opinion.
I have to give credit to joeychgo for keeping an even keel through this. This member is bringing up crap that really has no bearing on the OP's thread. It wasn't about wether the product was worth what was being asked, the guy is being ripped off or jacked around. But for someone else to hijack his thread to get on a rant and shift the discussion, that's shameful.
I think we could all do with a little less of the crybaby butthurt BS some members seem to thrive on.
Just my 2 cents worth. As i step down from my soapbox.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.