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Hi guy's, I am a black guy and I am one that knows what the confederate flag means. The media is responsible for this stupid racism crap.I for one vote for the confederate flag to stand.I also agree with everything j-miller is saying.Enough is enough. Mark
I liked what one guy posted on the comments and I feel the same way.

Copied and pasted his comment below:

I am fed up with the blame game. If we took away every thing that offended some one else we wouldn't have a spec of sand to live on. You want to blame the flag because someone used it with I'll intent. You want to blame the gun because someone pulled the trigger. You want to blame the bible because to live by it would mean you had to own up to your own faults. Why can we not try and delete our past and our history because a man who sported a confederate flag killed people. This nation was divided at one time and half of them fought for one flag and half of them for the other. So it's a good chance that every single person who reads this is in some way a descendant to those who fought for the very flag that you wish to ban. So now I guess it's OK to let every life or the civil war be left to vain because of this guy? Since when did any real american think so little of where we have come from. Because like it or not that flag is just as much part of the making of this nation as the flag we use today......... Oh yeah and the gay pride flag offends me so let's start by doing away with that one first. And then we can finish up by removing the government because the politician's actually do offend be. As well as easter bunnies. Tooth fairies. Turkey's. Rain deer. Fire works... At this rate we'd be just better off to move!!!!