How to Assemble the Front of a Small Block

My engine has been torn down previously (built 415 not by me) that I am reassembling now and it has no plugs in the block, no bolt with through hole and no oil slinger. Seems like 3 strikes to me. Should I tear down my 340 and rob the oil slinger at least out of it? It does have the drip plate. Should this is a 360 Magnum based engine.

I would put the oil galley plugs in for sure.

Then run an oil slinger, if you don't want to take it out of your 340, then they can be bought cheaply enough...

I've seen factory applications without the bolt with the hole, they just left that hole open for oiling.

Or if you can drill a hole into a bolt, that could be another option, just be careful to drill it straight through and not break into the threads...

I've also seen some without the drip tab, but I like it to direct the oil onto the chain. The oil drip tab was NOS'ed about two years ago, see if you can find any, if not, you can get away without it and just the oil slinger.

I like to throw as much oil as I can to keep the wear to a minimum...