1967 ~ Barracuda 383-S and Dart GTS-383 ~ 280 HP 'How can this be.'

1967 A-Body 383/280 HP 'Myth'

It was thought that the Carter AFB was a 'smallish' 525 CFM unit, specifically
designed for air-flow and fuel restriction.

Not so.

The Carter AFB Carburetors #4298S {M/T} and #4299S {A/T} were
advertised at 575 CFM's by Carter.

These AFB units were the same exact Carter AFB's found on the B-Body
383/325 HP 4-Barrel Engines.

* Primary ....... 1 7/16" {1.437"} ...... Venturi > 1 3/16" {1.186"}
* Secondary ... 1 9/16" {1.563"} ...... Venturi > 1 5/16" {1.313"}

* Primary Jets ...... .089" {M/T} ...... .089" {A/T}
* Secondary Jets .. .0695" {M/T} ..... .068" {A/T}

* Metering Rod ...... 16-404 {.063" Economy ~ .051" Power}