I've seen them all plowing through the thread. Is planning visiting Carlisle 2016 as a birthdaypresent for myself. Let's see how It works out?
Would Love a spin but I ain't going so far inwards country as Kansas :(
I've decided I'm going to get a reputable shop to get it done. I'd like to have the scales but that doesn't seem worth it to me to use them once or twice.
I sure do love your car, it's amazing how quickly you turned it around! I don't know how you found the time, seems like everything takes me forever to accomplish.
Married but no kids, that's how. I would come home nearly every day from work, get a quick snack, get into my work clothes and wittle away at it till late at night. I would only go in the house when the wife would have dinner ready and then I would go right back to work. Now I can hardly find any motivation to do little things because it just straight burned me out. Now you want to talk about someone who can turn things around in a hurry, MR. MAD DART up there is the king of that. I was baffled how much he could do in such little time. He started his project long after me and finished around the same time, if not before.