RustyRatRod's Guide To Hot Rod Bliss

Greymouser, I normally run a aftermarket ignition over the stock or MP stuff because of that amount of crap parts to replace it with and that ever so annoying pop surprise ballast resister gone bad. While a small box of spare parts is easy to Cary and hide somewhere, I do not think I should have to do such a thing.

The OE style ignition is operational in the car and ready at a moments notice when the after market system fails. And often, it has been called into duty. Such is my luck with the MSD ignitions.

I told this to my son in law. We started up the Duster with the orange box (my only reliable Orange box) and then installed his MSD digital. Should the digital fail, three a stand by to stand in. I'll get home.

Oh, I did forget to mention that I do like the advertised bennifits of a multi spark ignition.
They pay the most and best bennifits on a Hwy. driven car. IMO, there a nice add on to help get max mileage. There best, I have found when your gear ratio is numerically low and the engine is spinning a low rpm on the Hwy., the multi spark ignition gives the best results for mileage.