Carlisle observation

the car hobby and the " swap meet" buying syndrone!????? I call it. just part of the culture. part worth $100. he priced it at $60. offer the guy $20, he might just take it!? LOL
walk your feet off, you might just find the part you need around the corner for $1 less!????
selling a car. ( as my farmer missou1r neighbor says, NEVER pay what a guy wants, always offer less!).... matter if the car is worth $10,000 and he asks $1000, offer him $400, ya might get it for $450 !!????? LOL and he might haul it home for you and add a tank of gas for good measure!??????
vendors from Ks, Mo, Ia Mn etc ( that used to go every year),, will say... why travel 12-15 hrs. to Nats, buy swap spots, motel, gas, sit in the heat for 3 days, haggle, get insulted, get a few things stolen, broken in transit, etc....WHEN he could sit home in the air conditioning, and get fair price from home?????
and vendors back East..... why travel to NATS WHEN Carlisle COMES FIRST...... MORE AND BETER OF EVERYTHING.... more cars, people, parts, money.????