RustyRatRod's Guide To Hot Rod Bliss
M body dippy, fury, fifth ave V8 radiator is direct bolt in to the 67 to 72 rad support, and puts lower radiator hose on pass side. Allows use of later aluminum waterpump with pass side lower hose. More common pump , cheaper too. Got mine at rock auto new GMP pump 6 blade $14 95
M bodies also have engine driven thermostatic clutch fans, and shrouds to go with that afore mentioned radiator. Even more of a good deal if you dont plan on running electric fans.
Also M body V8s use an aluminum oil filter angled adaptor. I believe same part as what used to be in the MP catalog years ago. Perfect for header swaps. Junkyard fresh for about $10. Get a gasket/seal kit from mancini racing.