Front chin spoiler

is the mounting surface flat or curved on the Camaro spoiler ? my barracuda would need a curved one, about 1/2 to 5/8: up on each end( using a straight edge across it. I like the spoilers by randy, but their a little too pricey for me now-------:coffee2: bob

It has a slight curve to it. The OER piece is ABS plastic though, so it's actually pretty flexible. To mount it where I have mine I actually pulled more of a curve into it when I bolted it up to the valance. It has way more than a 1/2" curve up on mine. I pulled it at least that far with the mounting bolts, and it has a curve to begin with.

Likewise, you can also get it pretty much flat if you need to bolt it to a bumper, like on the Dusters/Valiants/Scamps.