73 Gold Duster /6 - Tucson Style

So I had a bit of time earlier and investigated some of the issues, so... updates:

Passenger wiper blade not moving - missing bushing and E-clip, ordered
Battery tray is all but rusted away - ordered and installed
Slow oil leak - partially fixed, replaced oil sender, seems to be holding
Missing glovebox - ordered, I think I will need to take a part the dash to install, so I will wait until I can tackle the whole dash issue (lights, speedo)

So these issues were not very big problems to begin with, so I thought I would get them ordered.

The big thing I want resolved is my idle issues/general engine maintenance. I changed the oil with sender and flushed the coolant (and installed an overflow bottle). I will next pull the plugs, see how they look and run a compression test - just to check out the cylinders. I will focus on cleaning/evaluating the carb next, as it looks like a bit of fuel seeps out of it, not sure where.

Another small bit that is bothering me is the hood not being level, it sags to the passenger side. You can kind of see the sag on in the image above. When opening and shutting the hood, it feels like there is only resistance on the driver side, with the passenger side able to wobble up and down freely, only limited by the flexing of the hood. Has anybody seen this? Could the coil spring be broken on the passenger side? Also, I imagine that the fender has to come off to check this out, correct?