Stop in for a cup of coffee

6:39AM.. 3 cup of coffee, cat's been fed, and made 2 laps around the golf course cart trail, showered and ready for the day.
Not too much booked today. working with my neighbor's son, on my neighbor's house. Her husband died about a year ago. Great guy, too. He was in his 90's. A retired architect. Very well and soft spoken man, and extremely unassuming. One year, for my birthday he gave me a set of drawings for mt shop. there were 32 pages. They including everything from to-po to paint color.

He paid for the surveys, and included plumbing, sewage, electrical, even under ground used liquid storage tanks wit double wall design and leak proof membrane vaults. If I would have commissioned an architect to do these drawing to this detail it would have cost me approximately $12,000 to $15,000 dollars in this neck of the woods. Old Jim did them for free.

We met when Joyce and I purchased the house almost directly across the street from them. Jim and his wife Ruth came to our door as soon as the Moving van left. Invited us and the kids to their house for supper that night. They were already retired when we moved here. That was in 1988. We became good friends, and they treated my kids like their own grand children. The even took care of our pets when we were away.

Now that Jim has passed, and Ruth is in her mid 90's, they are preparing to sell the house. So their son and I have been doing all the little minor repairs and touch ups around the place. So, that's the plan for today.