RustyRatRod's Guide To Hot Rod Bliss
Cheap oiling mod.
On small block mopars the lifter sets for #5 and #7 cylinders are at the very end of the oiling system.
I have found you can tap into the oil gallery between #2, and #4 lifter sets on the R/H side of the engine, and tap into the oil gallery between #5 and #7 lifter sets on the drivers side, and attach a copper and brass crossover tube. Connecting the fwd RH bank with the aft LH bank. The pieces for this are easily attainable at home depot or lowes. 90° right angle brass fittings that are tapered pipe thread at one end, and compression fitting at the other end. Use copper line and compression fittings. Dont run the copper line straight fitting to fitting, but a slight bend in it for heat expansion and contraction.
Also remove the oil gallery closeout plug thats where the distributor gear is aft of the #7 set of lifters, and drill a small hole in the center of the plug i use #50 machinest drill. Then reinstall the plug. This allows high pressure oil to spray on the distributor drive gear and on the distributor shaft aiding in lubrication
The first mod allows all the lifters to get equal oil pressure, a plus running a hydraulic cam. Obviously this drilling and tapping is best done when the engine is apart for a rebuild.