Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

Well, I started taking apart the oil stuff in the car so it's been sitting in the driveway undriven for about a week, because if I start it, all the oil will shoot out, as the turbo drain is still not attached. The oil drain outlet I ordered was for the wrong turbo so it is too narrow to fit on the bottom of the turbo housing, and so I had to order a different one or I can't attach it. It's kind of a lame thing to wait on, as I can't buy one in a store obviously, so it had to be gotten online... the -an size was correct, but the bolt pattern was not...

This piece is what I'm talking about:

Once i have that back together I can drive it over to my shop and drain the oil, install the oil sandwich plate, and get back to it.

All this is coupled with the fact that i have been putting a lot of work into starting a new side business for some more money.