So much for the Modman....
Hi all - a while back I promised that Id do a genuine comparison between the Modman intake and the Edekbrock 5.7 dual quad dual plane.
I experienced significant tuning issues with the Modman running both single and dual carbs - (333 RWHP) and it only really worked half way decent when I installed a full height divider (346 RWHP)
Below is the dyno chart ( same dyno..similar atmospherics) showing three (3) runs
The BLUE line was the Modman with divider - this netted a 11.9@ 114mph
The MIDDLE RED is the EDDY - same carbs - 360 rwhp
The Upper RED is the Eddy with twin 1" 4 hole spacers. - 368RWHP
The Eddy had a home port match to the 6.1 heads.
I think this proves conclusively that the Modman is a JUNK NA intake.
My guess is that the carbs are losing about 15 rwhp to the EFI....