1970 Swinger 340 Hemi Orange 4 speed

As usual, awesome work!


Wow! The last few pics look you bought the whole dang thing from AMD!
It's looks awesome!
My project is a shade tree restoration. I decided to clean and paint our bottom the body color. My son and I did it on a creeper with the car jacked up about 2 feet and supported from the front rear bumper supports. For our purposes it came out nice....

Thanks! I've been checking out your build and it's coming along great! The bottom side of your car looks awesome!

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! Randy-that's beautiful, man. I've been eagerly awaiting this, so I know full well this is a huge milestone for you. It just keeps getting better!

Thanks for the compliment! Yeah it's been a long time coming.. I hit a lot of road blocks on this project, but it's finally coming together as planned.

Oh, I meant to ask, what does "drip check" mean?


It's a seam sealer that works really well on tight seams.. It sucks right in and goes rock hard. It's used in the Dutchman panel to quarter seams.

It looks awesome! So nice I would have loved to see full color.

Thanks! Yeah it crossed my mind, but I'm really liking the factory look!
