Slant 6 Turbo 68Dart Project

Well, nothing too terribly interesting going on, but I did finally get the oil line in, and it is a huge difference, because now there is no longer any oil seeping out at the pan and being blown all over the engine bay by the engine fan. I basically took that weld-in bung, tacked it to the pan and covered the heck out of it with JB, and it's pretty sound. For the new construction engine when I finally get it, I'll be doing a thru-hull type fitting, instead of just on the outside. The screw in fitting eventually failed and started getting kicked by the crank. That may have just been bad placement on my part.

Couple that with the fact that I am trying to find somewhere to move because the neighbors here have become unbearable, and trying to start a side business, this project hasn't moved much. It's unfortunate. But I am still trying to get it done. I have not forgotten about it, and I have parts here that need to go in, just need more time!

also, check out this thing I'm trying to start, could help income-wise...


Not a terribly exciting update, but I also didn't expect this to make the car stay out of commission for three days either. I still have this oil cooler ready to go in - I have a spot for it set out, and now just need a good chunk of time to drain the oil and hook it all up.