RustyRatRod's Guide To Hot Rod Bliss
I think that distinction needs to be made between what I / we / anyone "Needs" and what I / they "Want".
What does anyone "Need"? Take a look around. Prius, Geo Metro 3 cylinder, Honda 600 2 Cylinder, or even the BMW Isetta 1 lunger. They will all get you from place to place and have been doing so for ages.
The question becomes, "What do I want?"
I want to drive my sleeper around town with reasonable comfort.
I want to be able to bark the rear tires on a whim just to remind the 'Tuner' in the next lane that you can't argue with cubic inches.
I want to take it to the track once and a while to enjoy time with my straight line speed freaks and be able to make a good pass occasionally.
And most of all, I think I want to be able to 'Tinker' with it just because it makes me happy, gives my mind somewhere else to go, and keeps me out of trouble.
I don't ever want my 'Sleeper' to be complete. To look at it and say, "There is nothing more to do." would depress me in the end.
My mind reels with the thoughts of all the things I have done, could do, and will do to it in the coming years. And those thoughts make me happy. They are a zero stress thought that provides my with those ever loving endorphins that some get from running, cycling, etc.
I grin a little every time I walk by it and that is what I need.
Thanks for the read.