RustyRatRod's Guide To Hot Rod Bliss
I agree 100%, swies.
Here is my angle on it though. I have seen newbies come on here and say "I want to build a 650 HP engine".
They probably wouldn't know 650 HP if they felt it, first off. Secondly, building such an engine requires that you have some deep pockets to fund your hobby. "Most" beginners do not. Heck, no one I know is a beginner around here and they don't have that kind of money, either.
Thirdly, you have to know "something" about WHAT you are doing. Whether you do it yourself, or not. How will you know your machine shop has done a good job if you don't know which questions to ask, or what to look for? How will you know they used what YOU wanted instead of cutting corners on parts and throwing the difference in their profit margin?
That's why I created this thread. For those who may be building their first engine. Mistakes are a LOT cheaper and easier to catch at this level, plus, you can learn at the same time. It's very expensive to learn building an engine that cost 10K dollars, VS one that costs 2500 or less. The margin for error is smaller.