Birth of the Blue Missile

The lack of response here is why I have been not posting much lately. I now that this is not car related, so if you really need me to post progress on the car, PM me and Ill give you the address to send your check to. The motor is about 25K, the tranny is about 9K, and the paint job who knows.
In the mean time trust me I am working at putting the funds together to finish the Missile. Re structuring my investments takes time, along with the time for investments to return a profit. I do come here and read of everyone elses progress and I celebrate that with you.
Be of good cheer I will finish the Missile.

Andrew - I just read the posts, I rarely respond unless I have some input. Subscribed and read mostly to keep up with what you are up to, it has been 9 years since I lived in Austin. My car has been painted in the last year and I am slowly working on putting it back together. No progress in the last few months, but I plan to be working on it again in the next two weeks. Check out my thread in the signature for the latest.