what size carb

Yes, or if he likes Holley, I would recommend the 80457.

It's a 600 vac secondary with electric choke. I've used them for decades on daily drivers and once the choke is set up properly to a 12v source, you just start it up and go with no stalling, even below 20° F, I would pump the gas pedal twice, crank it over, watch the oil pressure come up, then put it in gear and drive off in midwest winters that can get below 0° F sometimes...

With vacuum secondary, you can't over carb, as it will only feed what the engine needs....


But as far as out of the box, the Carter/Edelbrock is an easy bolt on and go with minimal tuning required. Holleys take a little bit of tuning knowledge to get them dialed in properly, but run great when you do...

Your right,Karl.. That's a nice one. This actually depends on the O.P's further thoughts. Yours is nice ,The Holley is nice..