So much for the Modman....

Well my issues were with the vacuum secondary . I had a 750 on mine . had a flat spot at 3000 to 3600 give or take .I tried to play with different springs but I wasn't happy. decided to rebuilt my 4781 850 dbl pump . that I had from my 512 rb .after talking with rat and vette here thought . give it a try.
well the difference is very very noticeable. The motor loves the carb . so much for fuel economy .
still have to do some adjusting on the first shot I have a bog then it grabs. The flat spot is about half a second . Feels like its flooding then it goes like a banchee!
Maybe a pooling issue or maybe the shot from the secondary is too early ?

Sorry to be negative...but I found even with twin carbs I gad a bog......until I fitted a divider.....

The double pumper covers the lean condition .......but its not enough to completely cover the signal drop out.

Theres two issues....lack of fuel on tip in due to plenum size (use DP) and signal drop which theres no real fix imho.... Although a divider helps...