Original Little Red Wagon A-100?
Jimmy first went to work for Ted Spehar in 1965. Ted owned an old Texaco station on Maple a couple blocks west of Adams in Birmingham. Besides accumulating a brisk neighborhood business, Ted had become acquainted with Dick Branstner. I used to see the 64 Color Me Gone Dodge sitting out in front of the station, along with a little red Dodge pickup with a full-race Hemi protruding through the bed just behind the cab. My first glance at the yet unlettered, carbureted Little Red Wagon, then driven by Jay Howell. It was at this time that Jimmy and Ted began their long affiliation with the Chrysler race program.
Jay was given the assignment to develop, and drive the Little Red Wagon this was a wheel standing Dodge truck. The Little Red Wagon was later campaigned by Bill Maverick Golden. Jay also designed, and built the Dodge Charger this was a mid-engine Dodge Dart. The Dart was powered by a nitro burning 426 hemi engine. Jay campaigned the Dart all across the Midwest, and in1965 won the U.S. Nationals with the speed of 164mph, and the time of 9.02 seconds.