73' B3 340 Duster pro touring build

wonder if he offset ground it or used different rod lengths?

Well the article does state that to achieve the 371 it was due to boring of the cylinders, although 355 C.I Nascar Connecting Rods were used in conjunction with 340 pistons so I'm not sure if the wrist pin location is the same on a 340 piston compared to a 360 piston. I will have to go back and read the 1976 Popular Hot Rodding issue that covered the engine build in detail but I thought they referred to the motor as a poor man's Stroker...maybe that's where the "Stroker" word got added into all this and Mopar Action just used it to. So from now on I guess I'll drop the word "Stroker" and just say "It's Tom Hoovers Original 371 Six Pack engine....either way, "Stroker" or not, it is a unique piece of Mopar history.
Thanks Marshalearp for addressing this subject, I hate to give out false or inaccurate information. :oops:

Here's a picture I took of my Dad between his Tom Hoover's 371 Six pack powered Dart and Mr. Hoovers hemi Coronet.