From Panama to SoCal!

Hey everyone!

I've been lurking in these forums for some time while toying with the idea of owning an A-body Mopar. After moving from Panama to San Diego, owning an A-body seemed more feasible - and after enough scouring, I came across a 1974 Dodge Dart Special Edition with the 318. Met up with the now-previous owner in San Clemente and drove it back to SD.

I've tried my hand at wrenching on cars before, but this is my first time owning something of this vintage and I'm excited about what I can learn from this. Expect me to ask a lot of noob questions and probably make some people overly use the :banghead: and :tool: smileys when replying to my posts.

I'm also mildly versed in the Photoshop realm, should anyone fancy a quick rendering of an idea they're enterataining. Here's a Nissan Sentra GTi-R project that was never finished, most of my old "chops" were left in a computer in Panama. I think this Dart is going to motivate me to pick up the PS ways again :D

Aaaaaaaanyway... Hi!