Original Little Red Wagon A-100?
So truck #3 (Canada crash 1975) the combination of the remains of truck #1 (crash 1969) and truck #2 (Albequerque crash - hit sand and rolled 1971)?
(I'm guessing 2009 auction truck= show truck converted to truck #4, and the Former Garlits Museum truck was the Chrysler clone?):
"The adage that racing evolution is written in blood proved true in the wheel standing business as well. The original 1964 truck was destroyed in Albuquerque in 1969, its replacement (supercharged with center steering and the first hydraulic rear gate) was wrecked in 1971, and a third Little Red Wagon built from those remains almost killed Golden in a high-speed flip in Canada in 1975. Once he recovered, he took the show truck out of mothballs and converted it to active duty. This would be the truck that raced as the Little Red Wagon for the next three decades."