Is there ANY TV commercial more annoying than..

What's annoying is all the ads that portray men as idiots/dumbasses! I'm pretty sure I could write a damn masters thesis on that bs.
There other thing I find annoying (see it for yourself just pay a little bit more attention to the ads) is that the vast majority of ads that have kids (doesn't matter the kids age) you don't see boys/son in them. If the ads does happen to have a boy/son in it, the kid is no more than 5 to 7 years old (I don't know how the kid really is but appears in that age group) and the girl/daughter is always older. You'll also notice that the amount of screen time given the boy/son is very low in comparsion of the girl/daughter. I could go on but you get the point I'm trying to make here.

All that said if you're talking about just annoying in general, I can't stand those damn toyota ads the feature that lady in them (fern, Fran, jan or whatever the hell her name is) and the dumbass background music. I wish I could slap the **** outta the person/people who thought that was a good idea!