Help with carb flooding.

you're right mguner, it should have the thick gasket. Also you should check the air cleaner hot air system. It's the pipe that comes off the exhaust manifold and attaches to the air cleaner snorkel. In the snorkel there is a metal flap. That flap should be closed when engine is cold and open when air is warm enough. There is a sensor on the underside of the air cleaner that senses air temp, I may not be functioning properly. To test your problem try running an open air cleaner to see if it still does it. Other thing I've done is install a metal sheild between the carb base gasket and the carb. Some 60's - 70's cars had the shield in from the factory. If you can't find one just make one useing the base gasket for a template. Ive worked on these cars when they were new and usually it's the sensor. A lot of them did not work properly. Good luck!