Sellin a car = bullshit

I personally like to price a car I want to sell at what I feel is its fair market value. well that is very hard to determine for sure. some people would not pay your asking price, NO MATTER! so I just add an extra $100, and that is all I will come down, period.
if I am in a financial or other situation where I hAVE to sell, then I may have to dicker more. but I hate that. price it too high and no lookers... price it too low and people figure there must be undisclosed problems!!! you can't win!????

I chuckle everytime I recall a car I sold years and d ecades back, where someone looked at it, turned their nose up at it, or thought the price too high, ..... Ha..
and there are some people that are SHOPPERS.... they just want to look and dream.... they will never find the car that suits them!!! ha
I never want to buy a car that I would not want to keep forever. so if I do decide to thin the herd, if no one buys it, then that's just fine!!!!!