1967 Cuda FB project
Studying the front of the Cuda and I came up with a plan. Going to make a bumper out of high density foam. I will make brackets that mount the same as the original bumper brackets. Put a piece of chrome moly between them so I have some sort of crash protection. Build a cardboard box and mix the foam up and then shape. I am going to cut the fenders along the tape line. That will be the top of the new bumper. I will weld flanges in that area so I can remove the new bumper in one piece with no seams. That tape line will also be the top of the new bumper as it blends in to the sides. There will be fog lights in the lower section and I will have to design or buy some kind of grille for the bottom opening. It will also have a small splitter on the bottom to go with the rear spoiler.
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Need to do some bodywork before the foam work. You can see that there is a dent on the bottom of the fender.
I want to be able to take the bumper off in one piece like new cars do. :D
It will be easier to understand when I get further into this mod.