'68 318 to carbed Magnum 5.2: Check my checklist

...down the rabbit hole we go, eh?

Not today, tomorrow. Previous owner thought that the trans cooler line could be repaired with a rubber hose, so I need to bend a new line and install it tomorrow morning, before the engine goes down.

Cleaned up the engine bay a bit today, sprayed the K-frame, and touched up the factory undercoating. Came out decent, seeing as I wasn't aiming for anything but "better than it was before":

In other news, motor mounts are on. Had to drill the left mount, and shim the right for the B-body brackets. The front ears on the 360 are also notably thicker than the 318, and required longer bolts.

Reference photos. Don't you love those not-so-flat rear ear surfaces? Bends the bolt nicely. Yech.

And, thanks to some wheeler-dealing with forum member mderoy340, I now have an M1 intake atop the Frankenmagnum:

The best part is that this is the version of the M1 that supports Magnum heads and the LA offset water pump bypass and thermostat outlet. It's the Mopar equivalent to the Crossfartwind intake. Part number is P4532588:


P.S.: The replacement lifter came in from RockAuto. I filled it with oil and put it in the bore. It felt terrible. You could feel casting flash scraping against the bore. I pulled it out, and put the pitted lifter right back in. Figured it was the lesser of two evils, i.e.: Don't screw with success since '89...