Arthritis Is A *****

I am being treated for my lower back pain and I start the pain management on September 21. I held out as long as I could but it's unbearable now. I have been taking 50 mg. of Tramadol every 6 hours but it has little affect.
But my left foot has been hurting too and I went to the doctor in July and had a set of orthotics made for my shoes and it didn't help any. An x ray showed that the Transverse Tarsal Joint between the Talus and Navicular bones is ground away in a straight line, supposed to be a radius shape. And the top of the bones is jagged from the arthritis instead of smooth, making the toe tendons drag across them. I'm just about to the point of needing a crutch to walk.
The only treatment for this is bone fusion and I'm worried if i'll be able to walk normal again.
Has anyone had a bone fusion in their foot? How did it turn out for you?