Arthritis Is A *****

I feel for ya Bob. I have terrible pain in my low back most of the time too. The doctor gives me 3 Vicodin a day to take but I try to take no more than I absolutely have too cause I know the side effects. Mornings are the worst for me. Always have to take one to be able to get going. Most of the time I make it through the day without taking anymore vicodin. Just tough it out and take some breaks. I haven't had fusion in the foot but I have had C6 and C7 fused in my neck and a cage installed. Had horrible pain down my left arm before and that took care of most of it. I'm limited on looking up and down and to the sides but I was before anyway cause of the pain. IMO it was well worth it. Both my big toe joints and frozen solid from arthritis which I guess in a way is kinda like having them fused. They flare up hurting once or twice a week for a day then settle down but other than that they don't affect walking to a great deal. I have special shoes also since I'm diabetic and my feet swell. The shoes help with the toe problem also