Stall and Shift RPM Question.

This part at the bottom, @ $329 is probably all you want to spend on that 318 Dart.
It will run like hell, and all you need is the 7/16" bolt hole Flex plate and ARP bolts.

The above, plate requires a "new" Dakota size small starter to clear the edge of the plate on a 904 trans. The one below does not and fits the old Mopar starter.

I bought a 904 with a ACC 53023 converter in it. Took it to my converter guy to have it flushed and a new snout put on it cause it had some wear and he cut it open to flush it out and called me to come and look at it. He said it was the biggest POS of a converter he'd ever seen in 20+ yrs. of doing converters. The clearance in it was unbelievable. I threw it in the junk where it belonged