Counterfeit Cars on FABO!!!

This brings up the philosophical discussion about a hammer. Suppose your grandfather gives you his hammer that you cherish. The handle breaks and you replace it, is it still your grandfather's hammer? A little later the claw portion breaks while pulling nails and you replace that, is it still your grandfathers hammer?

This whole VIN #'s matching is simply a mind game that makes some cars worth more than others. It's stupid. If I collect the correct parts and make a "clone" car. Arguably a better clone than some "originals" yet simply because it didn't roll down the assembly line that way it's worth less. It shouldn't be.

We have created this problem by assigning value (read dollars) into things that don't matter. As long as people are willing to pay a premium for a little piece of metal that is riveted on the fender of a car, than people will attempt to game the system.


Joe Dokes