Sounds like xrf might stand the same odds of being CCT....(Cheap Chinese Trash)

I would be willing to bet they were made in the USA. That kind of thows a wrench into all the arguments here doesn't it?

For what it's worth, both boxes have the "Made in USA" text on them. There is no other information regarding this other than the text on the end of the box.

I fitted the XRF lower ball joints yesterday, will grease them up today and do a driveway alignment. They went together as expected, the ball stud could be moved in the socket by hand and there was no freeplay detected. The rubber boots came already mounted on the ball studs.

It may be possible that XRF is now made in the USA or even that they have another plant in Canada as well. I do remember the rep saying they were made In Canada, but that was like 15 years ago. So for the hell of it I just went out to garage and looked at the ball joint and sure enough it had "Made in the USA" etched in the side of it. Regardless of where it's made the XRF's are a far superior product. I witnessed the better quality in person with my own eyes and experience.