Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yes it is.

The first wed of the month is court day here...

I will have to check in and see how they do with the a--hole neighbor...

He's been violating he real estate sign law for over a year. I started my campaign hard against him on May 15th, and they finally got around to giving him a ticket(s). I had to go in and chew out the village manager to get him to act on the ordinance violation.

I don't care how petty it is, it's an ordinance on the books and his job is to enforce it. After the assault they did on me last year, it's payback time. I'm in full compliance now it's time to get back at the @sswipe. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

He keeps trying to bend the rules and sneak things by. He puts up his signs after 5 PM on Fridays and takes them down before they get back in the office on Monday. So I call the police to come document the violations with pictures also to support my case. That way I can't be accused of "setting him up"....

This year I changed tactics. Instead of sitting back and waiting for him to complain first, then throw his violations back at them, I started with "the best defense is a good offense"...

It worked, they haven't come around here to harass me at all this year. Now that they are starting to see the wrath of my persistent temper, they may think next time they want to come around here and stir things up with me. When you shake my bee hive, I sting back....

Now I have them where I want them, they are my "puppets" and better enforce the ordinances or I'll take it to the mayor. I had to do that once already, so they know I don't play around.

I didn't want to do this to them, but they asked for it by getting involved. If they would have just left me alone last year, I wouldn't care, but now it's go-time....

He put up more signs on his same post last week and the village hasn't caught it. That violates the no more than 5 square feet of sign rule. I'm going to show up to the court with a copy of the ordinance and embarrass them by pointing out that he's still in violation and they don't even know the ordinances that they are supposed to enforce... They usually check up on the property violations the day before the court date, so there is no reason that they shouldn't have caught that...

Here's a picture of @sswipe from the other day... He lives in a $400,00 house and is too cheap to buy a self propelled mower...

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WOW! In addition to all the crap going on, you have to see that sexy beast all shirtless and whatnot. That's got to violate an ordinance or two!!